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Management & Delivery of the Oysters Australia RD&E PLan 2020-2025



ORGANISATION: Oysters Australia

PROJECT CODE: 2021-036




Oysters Australia has provided national coordination of RD&E since 2011 following the successful Oyster 
Consortium trial through the Seafood CRC. Prior to this, the industry invested on a state-by-state basis via 
the FRAB system, and often in isolation to each other. There are considerable advantages of RD&E 
collaboration across states, however funds are required to facilitate consultation and to coordinate 

This consultation includes the establishment of an R&D Committee, which enables members to learn about 
cutting-edge oyster research and discuss changing priorities. It also supports the development of up-andcoming researchers by exposing them to industry leaders in the sector. 

In 2020, following a lengthy development process, Oysters Australia launched a new Strategic Plan 2020-
(FRDC project 2019-208). Accompanying this release, OA also made a call for projects and received 22
EOI's requesting funds totalling almost $10m. Working through the R&D Committee, OA are systematically 
reviewing these applications and will be recommending a suite of projects to progress to full application in 
FishNet and subsequent funding through the Oysters IPA. 

Further calls for applications will be made to strategically address industry priorities over the next 5 years, as 
outlined in the Oysters Australia – FRDC IPA agreement. 

In addition to guiding investment through the IPA, Oysters Australia is also frequently pulled into other RD&E issues and exposed to opportunities of potential national importance to the oyster industry. This includes Centre of Excellence and Cooperative Research Centre proposals, negotiations regarding the aquatic EADRA, the 
Australian Governments AquaPlan, SafeFish and various other programs. 


This project enables Oysters Australia to continue providing national support on such matters, and to guide 
further industry investment in priority RD&E.


  1. By June 2026, commission and manage a portfolio of RD&E projects which address the strategic 
    outcomes outlined in the Oysters Australia Strategic Plan.

  2. Maintain a functional, cohesive Oysters Australia RD&E group to build knowledge and guide strategic 

  3. By June 2026, ensure that all new RD&E funded through the Oysters IPA is extended to industry, 
    encompassing the development and maintenance of a hub of project resources and communication 
    material on the Oysters Australia website.

  4.  Over the life of the project, provide coordination and leadership on matters of national importance to 
    the oyster industry.


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