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Building provenance and storytelling can play a critical role in sustaining, increasing or expanding market share for Australian products. It is an evolving trend not just confined to international markets and consumers; increasingly, it is key to improving connectivity with Australian consumers who want to understand the who, the where and the how behind their food they consume.

In early 2020 Honey and Fox developed a suite of resources focused on the options for Australian producers to build provenance and improve storytelling to better interact with domestic and overseas consumers both now and into the future. The work was commissed by Agrifutures Australia.

The resources include:

  • Summary of consumer trends towards provenance, and technologies and platforms for sharing production stories

  • Practical guide and templates to help producers to share their story

  • Case studies outlining how producers are capitalising on the benefits of improved provenance storytelling within their businesses.

Consumer trends.PNG
Stories for success guide.PNG
Producer templates.PNG
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